
New story is out.
          	Unwanted, wanted 
          	Charles leclerc's sister
          	Mick schumacher's love


hi, I know it's a bit mean to correct someone when you can't speak english properly but in the chapter 4 of Unwanted, wanted the sentence "Hello mom is Lorenzo here ?" is translated by "Bonjours ( or Salut, it's more familiar ) maman, est ce que Lorenzo est ici ?" 
          I hope won't take it bad, your french is really great and i love the story by the way


Hey everyone 
          So I have a few new story ideas and I need help deciding love interests:
          Story 1: F1
          Brothers best friend 
          Best friend to lovers
          Pierre gasly or mick schumacher or both
          Story 2: F1
          Age gap
          Love at first sight
          Lewis hamilton or Carlos Sainz or Sabastian Vettel 
          Story 3: criminal minds 
          Age gap
          Work place romantic 
          NCIS cross over
          Derek Morgan or Aaron Hotch


Thanks for adding my story to your reading list


@newfluffydogo of course. Amazing story