He met him, the curly lad, he fell in love, he knew it would be something that would be as powerful as forever
Years after years the smile was fading away from his face, when he knew he can't love the curly lad with forest green eyes
He started remembering
When he met the curly lad, named Harry, Harry Styles
Harry always said before they were famous 'One day you'll be a star Louis'
He remember when he kissed Harry for the first time under a sky full of shiny diamond stars
He remember when they became famous
He remember when they made him fall in love with her
He remember when he first time cutted a deep scar in his wrist
He remember it was because of Harry, he missed him so much
And now he broke down in tears
One night Harry was not at their flat
Louis took a paper and pencil and wrote a finally goodbye to Harry
He went on the bridge next to their flat and jumped
Harry came home
He found that note, finally goodbyes written by the love of his life
Harry broke down in the dark room and whispered, our love story is still immortal
Like Harry had always said, Louis is gonna be a star
Tonight would be the night when he is gonna shine up on the sky, with the stars made of diamonds"