Hey, everyone!!!!!!!
It’s me, and I hasn’t been writing since last time I was here!!!!!!
But I’m still reading and listening to other people’s stories and everything else was just fine!!!!!!!!!
I been through a lot of stuff lately this year!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last month in November, 24, I lost my lost my grandmother in my dad’s side, and I was devastated and heartbroken by it, she’s been sick for a long time, but I’m happy that she’s no longer in pain, but I miss her every day!!!!!!!!!!
I still reading and writing books, and I’m still thinking about the Storylines, and Chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, for now on, I will definitely do it twice a week too!!!!!!!!!
This year is like a roller coaster ups and downs!!!!!
But I hope 2025 is different than this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I do hope I can get my writing power back and bring the positive energy too!!!!!!!
Well……I hope you all enjoy your day and holiday too!!!!!!!!!
And your favorite girl’s birthday is coming up on Wednesday and she’s going to be 33 years old!!!!!!!!
Ok, everyone see you guys soon!!!!!!