
Welcome to new followers, and thanks for reading!
          	Just a few items of news:
          	--The complete version of Until It Hurts to Stop comes out in bookstores on Thursday, Sept. 12.
          	--I'll be away from the internet for a week in mid-September, and plan to post more new works when I return. I have a few ideas. If you care to weigh in, which of the following would you like to see posted first?
          	Nonfiction discussing some of the real-life issues behind Until It Hurts to Stop; or
          	A writing prompt / opening that anyone is welcome to use as a beginning for their own stories; or
          	Another complete short story, like The Train Tracks.


I love your book "Try Not To Breathe". Its is amazing and relatable! I got it for Christmas and was so in love with it that I finished it in a day and a half. I love to write you one of my biggest inspirations!


@bigsis90 Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked the book! I hope you find more good books to enjoy.


May I ask how often you update ongoing books? I'm only on mobile here and it doesnt show for me


For my published books, the opening chapters have been posted here, and the updating I'm doing is just cleaning up the formatting.
            For other short works, I try to post the whole story at once.


Well, I just wanted to leave a message for you, I NEED ANOTHER BOOK OF TRY NOT TO BREATHE! Haha. Oh, I'm in love with Ryan. It's an amazing story, not like the ones that people are used to read, that's why I love it. Your stories are just perfect!


Thank you very much for letting me know you liked it! :-)