
A fresh Start has been updated with a long chapter, and I'm already working on another one ☺☺


Hi!! I've just read ur story A FRESH START and I absolutely love it, and I was wondering if u would be continuing it or not??
          I hope u do cuz it's a really good story, but no pressure or anything also if u decide to not continue.
          P.S I hope ur doing well


And I hope you are doing good too   xx


@lizzygrays To be honest I didn't think anyone was still reading it, but I kept it up because it's actually my favourite one. I will absolutely get back to it now. Thank you so much 


I know I haven't updated in a while, I started a new job a month ago, and in the evenings and weekends I've been helping my parents out with their new house. I promise to get really long chapters up on both books by next weekend at the latest. I'm so sorry it's taken this long but I just haven't had a minute to sit. I'd like to thank you all for your patience as I myself get frustrated while waiting for an update on books I enjoy on here.