
Heyy everyoneee!!! I'm back and i got another life story similar to MY SEXY FIRST COUSIN.
          	DTF(prologue) is up, check it out :)


A controversial tale of espionage and betrayal. Jeremy Gordon is desperate to live a normal life though he finds it impossible due to a small inoperable brain tumour. An insomniac in the literal meaning of the word, Jeremy Gordon does not sleep. His brain tumour causes him to blackout for seven hours each night, between 11pm and 6am, and while he has no memories of what occurs during these blackouts, it’s evident that he’s living a double life. Jeremy copes with his illness although he is fearful that one night, during his blackout, something dreadful and irreversible will happen.
          The scene is set in Washington. The year is 2012. World peace is finally at hand as all nations are preparing to sign the World Peace Treaty: a universal cease-fire. Jeremy Gordon single handily threatens to devastate mankind’s greatest achievement, inducing World War Three, and ending the world as we know it when his two lives inevitably collide.
          With the fate of the world resting in his hands, and the entire nation searching for him, Jeremy Gordon has less than seven days to make things right while constantly evading death and deception.


Hey there! 
          I'm new to Watt pad, and I was wondering if yo u could read one of my stories  and comment on it! (voting, f anning, and whatever are all o ptional, its the reviews I nee­d!) I'd love to return the fav or, and I will! 
          I know this mig ht annoy you, but anything is greatly appreciated! Thanks fo r reading this! 
          My Stories--Gol den Dawn; Karis Gebelin was ju st your typical Hawaii transpl ant to Manhattan, obsessive to p student who actually procras tinates everything, and bound of Ivy; future careerist and c urrent fortune teller. Until-- that is--she finds out everyth ing she aced is more or less a  ben trevato--so goodbye model  student and striving socialit e--and hello demonslayer/alche mist and automatic industry ty coon--that is, if she survives. 
          Elven Mob Bosse s and Rebel Heirs--Welcome to a world where elves,well, aren 't your fairy tale elves. Rule d in a ochlocracy, of Oligarch s and tech savvy megacorporati ons, of underworld criminal ru le, resistance in this mobocra cy is futile when your King ca n be your dishwasher in one da y. Intergalactic bestseller an d future Oligarch, Kronos fød t av Mørke’skala soon finds  out how his fickle world migh t change--with his help too.