Guys this has been bothering me for a while. I love A and B person prompts so I had one pop into my head that went like:
Person A is cutting onions and starts crying for a completely different reason than the onions but Person B pays it no mind until slowly person A unravels to a sobbing mess on the floor and Person B immediately wraps Person A up in a hug and just lets them sob as they both sit on the kitchen floor.
@richyrm sorry, I just saw this. I haven't been on the app in a while but I'm still writing. I just take my time and don't stress about having to post consistently. That gives me a lot of anxiety and I don't like that
Guys this has been bothering me for a while. I love A and B person prompts so I had one pop into my head that went like:
Person A is cutting onions and starts crying for a completely different reason than the onions but Person B pays it no mind until slowly person A unravels to a sobbing mess on the floor and Person B immediately wraps Person A up in a hug and just lets them sob as they both sit on the kitchen floor.
Wow! I'm glad you are loving it. Feel free to check out my other stories on my profile when you get a chance to and don't forget to vote and comment, of course!
Guys reply to this. I've gotten a few hours on the computer and am writing a part for a new story idea of mine and I'm wondering if you guys want me to post it?