
Update on my surgery! 
          	The surgery went perfectly, everything went according to plan. Due to my abnormally large pain tolerance I woke up 2 hours after surgery (usually it takes at least 24 hours) and I was fully conscious, talking and holding long conversations with my nurses. 
          	The reason that is important is because when people wake up from this surgery 24 hours later they are in to much pain to even talk in a lot of cases. 
          	I have 2 long metal rods along with 12 screws in my spine. 
          	My scar is from right above my tailbone to right below my shoulder blades. 
          	Thank you to anyone who actually read all of this. If you are like me and find this stuff cool and want more details feel free to DM me. 


@Jensen669 that's great that it went well ❤️


@Jensen669 that's good. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Also I accidentally unfollowed you my phone is slow rn for no reason and let me refollow you


@33youtube3trash33 Yes I am in recovery now. I will be in recovery for about 6 to 12 months before being back to full strength. I has the surgery to fix my spine because I had scoliosis. My spine was twisted, curved and crooked so you can only imagine. 
          	  Thank you for your concern 


Update on my surgery! 
          The surgery went perfectly, everything went according to plan. Due to my abnormally large pain tolerance I woke up 2 hours after surgery (usually it takes at least 24 hours) and I was fully conscious, talking and holding long conversations with my nurses. 
          The reason that is important is because when people wake up from this surgery 24 hours later they are in to much pain to even talk in a lot of cases. 
          I have 2 long metal rods along with 12 screws in my spine. 
          My scar is from right above my tailbone to right below my shoulder blades. 
          Thank you to anyone who actually read all of this. If you are like me and find this stuff cool and want more details feel free to DM me. 


@Jensen669 that's great that it went well ❤️


@Jensen669 that's good. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Also I accidentally unfollowed you my phone is slow rn for no reason and let me refollow you


@33youtube3trash33 Yes I am in recovery now. I will be in recovery for about 6 to 12 months before being back to full strength. I has the surgery to fix my spine because I had scoliosis. My spine was twisted, curved and crooked so you can only imagine. 
            Thank you for your concern 


Okay, so I am having spine surgery tomorrow morning. I am having my whole spine reconstructed. I have to be at the hospital at 5am and I go into surgery at around 7am. 
          I wouldn't be posting this if it weren't for everybody telling me I should talk to somebody about it. To be completely honest, I couldn't care less about the surgery but most of everyone around me is telling me that isn't normal. Because of the quarantine I haven't told many of my irl friends. So this is me "talking to somebody about it" 
          I'm sure nobody will even read this, but by the off chance you do have a great time with the remainder of your life 


@Jensen669 I hope everything goes great and that nothing bad happens good luck❤️


i’ll wish you luck!! hopefully it all goes well!! :D


Hello there bootiful person! (•UwU)•
          A friend once told me smiling is the greatest gift in the world (/■–■)/
          Especially if it comes from an amazing person like you (^///^)
          Send this message in your own style to 10 people you think deserve a smile (:³)