
wishing you all the best for the new year! can't believe it's already 2020~ i have some exciting things planned that i hope i can actually make happen (if only uni doesn't kill me with assignments starting next week TT).
          	i will try my best to be back soon with some updates/content!
          	2020 marks my 5th year on wp with this account and i couldn't be more thankful to all of you who have supported me all this time. whether you're new or have stuck around when my writing was trash, i appreciate it a lot because you all are one of the reasons why i continue writing :)
          	love you all and wishing you a lovely new year~
          	- Sae


yayyy!! i’m looking forward to read your new fanfics!!


Hi, sorry if I'm disturbing you, I read your fanfic and loved it! I would like to know if you would allow me to translate your fanfic into Portuguese, if you did I would make some changes (character names, etc;) I would give you all the credits you deserve, if you didn't allow me, that's fine! Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.


I don't know if I should be doing this or nor but I have no clue how to share my story so I'll try what many others are doing. It seems bad that I'm using someone else's page but if there's any other way then please do tell. I'm open for suggestions! If you guys love a crackfic with over the top drama, which would leave you laughing or questioning "what the hell" every few seconds and if you want to feel that then please give a try to my book "Knee Deep in Trouble". It's part of a series and as soon as this will be over the upcoming books will slowly be published. I would really be grateful if some of you actually read it and give me reviews, doesn't matter bad or good.


hey, your story is very interesting, I know how to read English and I'm going to read it completely. I'm an army man, I love JUNGKOOK and I'm also a writer. I'm Latina and I do them in Spanish. Thank you for always supporting the guys.