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Hello Guys, hope y'all are doing well in ya respective lives! Today, on 1st Feb of 2025, I've finally found enough strength & willpower within myself to share somethin' that I've been havin' a hard time conveyin' for a lon' while. In 2023, August 8th, when I just started my 2nd year in uni, I went through the most difficult part of my then 19 years of life, currently 21. My father passed away in the most shockin' n unexpected way, that nobody saw it comin' at all. He had a sudden heart attack on the evenin' of 7th & passed away in the hospital on the night of 8th August. Nd I was called back home through an emergency flight in the mornin', in the middle of the week. A lot of classes got skipped, I had low attendance due to which I had to repeat a subject by payin' a hefty amt n a lot of betrayals from friends n non-understandin' faculties threw me into depression which I was unaware abt till my 4th sem. This all happened so fast that I felt like a whole year got skipped just like that. My teacher, friends, family, everybody just tried so hard that year to push me to move on from his death that it mentally fucked me up. Like I'm still tearin' up writin' all this but I knew it was needed to be done. On the side note, writin' here on wattpad has been a great savin' grace for me altho I wasn't that active in communicatin' my feelings with you all, whom I once considered one of safe places. But I hope so, that from now this announcement onwards, I will try n will be the best version of myself, that I think I somehow lost through his death. I know I can never return to the person I once was, but from this moment forward, I will become the best version of myself in a reality where my father no longer exists. Have a great day & if possible be a lil more grateful to ya parents from now on ♡

@Jeon_Taejin13 Dear Author, My deepest condolences for your loss. Losing a loved one, especially a parent, is an unimaginable pain, and I can't begin to understand what you're going through. I admire your strength in facing such a difficult time and slowly finding your way back. Please know that it's okay to take your time to heal, and you are never alone in this journey. Your words, your stories, and the emotions you pour into your writing have touched so many people, including me. Your talent is undeniable, and your resilience is truly inspiring. No matter how dark the days may seem, light will always find its way back to you. I hope you continue to write, not just for us, your readers, but for yourself—because your voice matters. Sending you love, strength, and comfort. May your father's soul rest in peace, and may you find solace in the beautiful memories you shared with him.❤️

My sincerest condolences to you. Your life is never the same when you lose someone meaningful from your life and I can’t imagine when that loss is a parent. Sending lots of love and may you continue to find your way through each day and give yourself grace in knowing this is not something you should ever be pushed move on from. Grief is a process and also very personal. Thank you for sharing this with us and may you continue to grow beautifully ❤️