
New book that was most awaited yes?!


          So recently i found this instagram reel where they were saying that the link from bio will give me cash straight to my UPI account , and I thought maybe it's just trick or something but i just felt like let's try it and see [ don't worry i have checked the website url on a government portel and it was safe] so it took me to a telegram Portel where I joined three telegram channels and one instgram channel and then gave them my upi I'd i know i sound stupid right now but I really got the money and not only that there's more ways to earn money daily on that channel, if you wanna try here you go!


Sorry for dropping at random, if you find my intrusion rude then feel free to delete them comment. but i would love if you can give a try to my book Hi dad. Its a top kook werewolf au where kook is a single dad. Its inspired from hi nana movie. Though no pressure, ita fine if you don't. Have a great day army


Hello everyone!!❤️
          I hope your having a great day /evening
          I wanted to information you that due to 
          some issuesI wasn't able to publish new
          chapter But tomorrow I will be definitely 
          publishing new chapter of my alpha
          Please stay tuned!!❤️
          Rah ❤️