
We decided to delete "Love shot", you probably would hate me now, but I cant multi task writing a story and going to school anddddd there's a big problem for us 2 to face, since we both live at the same country (Kookie_Unicorn_Tae) 


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Sorry guys.. But we (Kookie_Unicorn_Tae and me) cant upload that much now, since the exams will start soon and yeah its such a burden, but we'll make sure to post soon, I know we've been a shit lately but I'll change I promise... I hope you guys understand... Thanks✌


Hello fellow readers!  I can't believe that someone is reading my story so, thank you for that. But sadly I can't update like the day I used to, cause school finally started for me and well expect to have new release of chapters on weekends. Please bare with me.