Just released first book, IF IT'S A CHOICE, MY ZYGOTE CHOSE BALLS: http://tinyurl.com/ifItsAChoiceBook


NEW YORK: If It's a Choice, My Zygote Chose Balls: Making Sense of Senseless Controversy (ISBN: 0615574548), a book by Jeremy Hooper now available from Amazon.com and select retail outlets , blends a unique mix of memoir and social commentary to make its equal rights case.

Hooper leads readers through his own life story, revealing the positive and unnecessarily encumbered aspects of growing up gay in contemporary society. The noted author and activist writes in a sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, but always sharply informed style, opening a window into the realities of family rejection and acceptance. Whether offering direct guidance for would-be straight allies or sharing the inner monologue of a boy who knew who he was long before early adulthood would allow him to own it, Hooper provides a wealth of insight and argument to push the equality conversation forward. By sharing his highly relatable human journey, Hooper hopes to move us toward the shared, highly achievable goal.

"With President Obama's evolution now televised, the equality fight has found renewed drive and focus," says Hooper. "However, the recent setback in North Carolina shows how much work still needs to be done. I see these dots in need of connection as a puzzle worth solving, and this book as my latest piece."

As someone who spends ten to twelve daily hours slogging through the "culture war" for his celebrated website, Good As You, Jeremy Hooper knows better than anyone how far the LGBT community still has to go in order to obtain full equality. At the same time, his focused lens had led him to believe that some of the usual LGBT activism has isolated the fight and stories, leaving much of the continued struggle to go unrealized by the population at large. KEEP READING: http://tinyurl.com/IfChoicePress
  • Manhattan, New York
  • JoinedApril 10, 2012