
What do You people think about making reaction story to Remnant Malestorm Shinobi or Devil's Ninja? 
          	Both are unfinished and will probably never be finished.(Reaction That is)
          	Devil's Ninja Had Polycule relationship with Naruto Anko Rias Koneko Hinata and Akeno.
          	As for Remnant Malestorm Shinobi in book IT was going To be Naruto x Phyrra x Blake but on reaction it's probably was going to be Naruto x Ruby x Blake.
          	Devil's Ninja reaction Had 9 Chapters and Chapter 8 was training Montage.
          	Remnant Malestorm Shinobi Had 13


What do You people think about making reaction story to Remnant Malestorm Shinobi or Devil's Ninja? 
          Both are unfinished and will probably never be finished.(Reaction That is)
          Devil's Ninja Had Polycule relationship with Naruto Anko Rias Koneko Hinata and Akeno.
          As for Remnant Malestorm Shinobi in book IT was going To be Naruto x Phyrra x Blake but on reaction it's probably was going to be Naruto x Ruby x Blake.
          Devil's Ninja reaction Had 9 Chapters and Chapter 8 was training Montage.
          Remnant Malestorm Shinobi Had 13


Mam kilka pomysłów na fanfictiony 
          Pierwszym pomysłem są fanfictiony z Harryego Pottera oparte na zmysłach:
          Przykład Sight of Magic gdzie Harry jest niewidomy bo uległ takiemu samemu wypadkowi jak Matt Murdock ale radzi sobie całkiem dobrze ponieważ może wiedzieć w ten sposób magiczne ślady 
          Resztę o pomysłach na zmysły napisze na dniach
          Innym pomysłem jest Fanfiction reakcyjny z Harry'ego Pottera na SCP lub Death Battle 
          I have some fanfiction ideas
          The first idea is Harry Potter fanfiction based on the senses:
          Exaple 1 Sight of Magic where Harry is blind because he had the same accident as Matt Murdock but he does quite well because he can know the magical traces this way 
          I will write the rest about ideas for the senses in a few days
          Another idea is Harry Potter reaction fanfiction for SCP or Death Battle 


@ Vaesths  miło słyszeć 


@ JerryAgresor  Brzmi fajowo z tym Potterem 


Thanks for following me, you have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you, Thank you so muchs


@ MHA_FanFic_Writer  it's okay bro


@JerryAgresor I'm still stupid bc I still don't get it, sorry if this is annoying you


Bnha reacts to httyd
          Hiccup reborn as Izuku Au
          I was sitting and reading reaction nfictions to Httyd and it occurred to me that I haven't seen one with Bnha that they react to how to train your dragon.(Or Code Lyoko but about this in another time)
          Izuku has always been a weird kid with a unique talent for drawing, making  werid Devices  and getting into trouble. 
          Besides his hero craze, he had another interest in Viking history.
          And generally everything is like in the canon and all this happens after the war where a mysterious figure sends them a package with three movies about Httyd during which Izuku having terrible headaches he recalls his previous life as a Viking.
          Afterwards, Izuku decides to find Toothless or his descendants.
          Ship Izuocha ,Harem or Shipless
          The idea is free to use by anyone


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Ja się kurwa pytam czy Polski odłam Fandomu bnha to jakaś jebana sekta BakuDeku TodoDeku i ShinDeku? Ja rozumiem parę fanfictionów może być ale nie kurwa cały polski Wattpad zajebany tym scierwem gdzie już Ao3 czy ma więcej różnorodności. Mam sobie ochotę poczytać jakieś polskie Izuocha czy inne shipy z Izuku ale nie kurwa BakuDeku przez całą stronę i dziwić się że wolę czytać angielskie fanfictiony.
          I'm fucking asking if the Polish faction of Fandom bnha is some fucking BakuDeku TodoDeku and ShinDeku sect? 
          I understand there can be few fanfictions but not the whole Polish Wattpad trashedwith this scum where already Ao3 or has more variety.
          I feel like reading some Polish Izuocha or other Izuku ships but not BakuDeku the whole page and be surprised that I prefer to read English fanfictions


@ Ewelina129499  Oczywiście że lubię ale bardziej lubię Shipy związane z Izuku 


I zy ciekawości czy tez lubisz kamijirou albo todomomo?


 No nie?! 
            na szczęście wolę czytać po angielsku