Jerry Berry I spam you guys
I love you all
But everyone knows who I love the most boys ^.~
I'm hungry
Alec give me pizza
NATE give me food
Kevin give me foods
Jerred give me your SnapBack
Bwhahahah plus pizza
So go get me my good
I love chu
And all the rest of chu
Well idk if I should say bye
Bwhahahah you will see me again
Now let's party
*twerks on all of you*
I'm hungry still
I'm gonna go eat food
Lmfao bye
I love chu all
Why the fuck is she cutting because I don't love her back?!? I'm sorry that I don't love you like that your my friend I like other people I'm sorry but I'm not the guy for you... maybe in the future but not until then so stop cutting I'm here as a friend. My mom just died holding my hand today and coming back hearing your cuttingbecause iI don't love you well that's not the right thing to do ~Alec