
Hey guys! Just in case you missed it I've uploaded Chapter 12!! Also 13 is coming soon!! Hope u enjoy xx


Hey readers!! 
          Just letting you all know that I decided to delete 'Unheard'. 
          However it will feature in @maliagrace 's  book called 'Story Starters'. A couple of my works will be in and so will some of hers! 
          Please go check out @maliagrace . She's a great author and has an awesome imagination!!!
          Hope you like the story starters!!
          Xxx Jess :)


Heyy everyone!! Happy Easter!!!! I know its late but oh well!
          But here is my new book Unheard!!!!
          Like Alone it will most likely have slow updates and I'm really sorry about that but I'm trying to make more time for me to write.
          I really hope you all enjoy my stories and I'd love it if u'd let me know!!


Hey everyone! I am so so so sorry for how slack I've been at updating! I have just had a school work overload and I've been finding it hard to get the time to write! I promise that a new chapter will be up soon though! Plus I'm going to upload a Short-story as well! Maybe even two! 
          Thanks everyone again for reading my stories! It honestly means so much to me!!! Love you all!! xoxoxo