
Hi everyone! A Prison of Ice and Fear has been getting so much love recently, which is amazing. I want to announce that book two is in the works, but as I like to complete entire fics before publishing any part of them, it will be a little way off yet. When I have more updates, they will be posted here. Much love xx


Hi everyone! A Prison of Ice and Fear has been getting so much love recently, which is amazing. I want to announce that book two is in the works, but as I like to complete entire fics before publishing any part of them, it will be a little way off yet. When I have more updates, they will be posted here. Much love xx


'A Prison of Ice and Fear' is now complete! Thank you so much to everyone who followed along as it was published, and to those who are just starting, I hope you enjoy it! Thank you all so much for the support xx


1K READS ON ‘A PRISON OF ICE AND FEAR’!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am so glad people are enjoying this story I can’t wait for you all to keep reading xx


Thank you!!!!


Look at you goooo! I'm so happy for you! ♡


‘A Prison of Ice and Fear’ has been seeing some great growth recently so thank you to anyone who’s been following along!!


Omg thank you!!! You are literally the sweetest xx


seeing it grow makes me so happy! your story deserves all the love in the world! <3


300 views on A Prison of Ice and Fear!! Thank you so much to everyone reading along as chapters are published. Shout out to @Cynarr, who has been voting and commenting. Please go give them a follow (they also post Narnia content). Hope you keep enjoying the story xx


            and thank you for the shoutout! I'm loving the story so far <3


Hey. I love that your book i's set in Narnia. :) Did you plan the plot in advance, or did you let the story evolve as you wrote?


@DastanBlades I did plan the plot as it largely follows the film's events. The dialogue is where I sort of ran wild as long as I could meet my plot points I did explore lots of different character interactions and created my own scenarios. I hope you're enjoying the fic so far!