Yesterday a girl who helped and loved everyone committed suicide by taking a whole bunch of pills. I am writing this post because some people are worth melting for. That doesn't mean you have to resort to killing your self. It means that if one person or multiple people knock you down grab a true friend and tell them that you need help. If they push you down get right back up. Cheyenne Lemerand was a dear friend to everyone. If you think I'm kidding you didn't know her so. If you have a friend that shows signs of depression don't wait, act before it's to late. Suicide numbers are growing. We need to stop it. So if your with me comment #SuicideStopsHere. To ma m y lives are taken fragrant we need to stop fighting and start loving. For PC alone we have lost at least one kid per a school. Not just town schools but district schools. PC has 4 or 5 schools for just elementary, then one middle or Upper Elementary, then Junior High, finally a High school. Right there is 7 or 8 schools. The HS alone has lost 5 young beautiful/handsome kids. So stand up to the fight and comment #SuicideStopsHere. Remember be a buddy not a bully.