Hey author, will you be continuing how I met my mate, and your untitled story, as they both have a lot of potential, and are non cliche. I would be interested in reading more

@isis_bastet Thank you so much for the support! This is why I picked up writing in the first place, I loved making a world for others to delve into and interacting with others. I don't know if I'll continue my old stuff, since I don't even remember where I was going with the story, but I definitely think I'll pick up the pen again

@JessTheKidd Hi, no worries. I think you're writing shows a wry sense of humour, and dare I say it, a very British sort of self deprecation, that I respond well to. I think that can only age well, so if you do take the pen back up, metaphorically speaking, I will certainly read your new stuff!

@isis_bastet Hi there! You know, I wrote these stories a LONG time ago, but you've got me thinking that I need to pick up my hobby of writing again. I'm older (and a little bit wiser) and I hope my stories can reflect that. Thanks for inspiring me!