
Hello everyone, I would like to say that the harassment was stopped. (Not sure tho because I haven't heard anymore about it yet) I will not post any stories though other than a QNA. I'm doing this to kinda reset my account like it never happened, and I hope this won't be as bad as it was those months ago. The account that had personal photos was reported and is hopefully banned. Have a good day/evening, jess


Hello everyone, I would like to say that the harassment was stopped. (Not sure tho because I haven't heard anymore about it yet) I will not post any stories though other than a QNA. I'm doing this to kinda reset my account like it never happened, and I hope this won't be as bad as it was those months ago. The account that had personal photos was reported and is hopefully banned. Have a good day/evening, jess


Hello everyone, I will delete and stop posting my stories because of people at my school harassing me with online accounts under my biological name that don't belong to me: one of the accounts actually got personal photos of me, and I think if I get rid of my stories it might just make it easier for the people making the accounts to not know it's me. I apologize for doing this but It only will be worse if I don't. I still will read stuff on here but its my final resort, yet again I apologize and have a great day.