
Hi loves,
          	I kept my promise whilst baby is sleeping, managed to get another chapter for A Journey To Finding Sunday out for you. Hope you enjoy.
          	Comment and vote! 
          	Jess xx


P.S want a new read and don’t want to look too far... check out my reading list “Let’s Read Together.” (Most of these are mature reads.)
          Check out each of the Authors and share the love. 
          Have a top read you think others would enjoy? Just drop in the comments to me. I’m always looking for the next book to read and enjoy with a cuppa. 
          Jess x


This time last year I apologised for slacking and no posting updates. This year I am apologising again, as it’s been nearly a year since I last spoke to you all and updated! However, there is a valid reason. 
          August 2019 I started a full time roll at work, I found out I was pregnant with my first and essentially spent the last year enjoying pregnancy and working. Then Rona happened and work became my main focus, due to working in the travel sector and everything was changing everyday, as well as seeing how the world would end up changing in my last few months being pregnant in regards to how the hospitals would change and accommodate whilst everything was happening. 
          I gave birth on the 26th April to a beautiful little girl and have since been adjusting and enjoying mummy life and experiencing mummy life in the middle of a pandemic. 
          I promise I am working on getting back to writing for you all and hopefully will have something for you to enjoy real soon! 
          So my loves let’s catch up, how has rona affected you all and what have you done in the parts of the world you’re in to keep positive and motivated? 
          Jess x


I have been majorly slacking in recent months, but I’m trying to find a better way to write and create the time to do so. I am sorry, I’m hoping to take some time soon to redraft or rewrite what I have and make it more me and my speed. 
          I’m currently holding out for inspiration and creativity by divulging in my favourite past time, reading. I’ve come across some amazing pieces by truly amazing writers and it’s just made me want to be better and to really improve. 
          P.S the fiancé is taking way too long with my potatoe wedges and I’m starving!