
Would you like to forget all of the past drama and start all over? i realize you have apologized, and i'd like to say sorry for rude things i said while trying to defend Silly/Sam.


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Same here really. I'm sorry. I fucked up. And I feel terrible.


I'm just trying to fix things i did wrong, i really do feel like a terrible person a lot especially when i start thinking too much..


Please stop bullying people, it isn't funny. And if you get some sick enjoyment out of this, well you need some help, not Silly. You saying that she needs help, then you bullying her, just contradicts everything. So can you please stop this?


STOP THE BULLYING. I don’t know why you’re doing this, and frankly, I don’t care. But I do know that you’re causing someone else pain, and that’s not okay. As far as I know, Silly hasn’t done anything to you. You’re doing it just because you can. ITS NOT OKAY. YOU CANNOT DO THAT PLEASE JUST STOP


@JesseBeBack acutally, I never talked to Tobi in a long time, soooo... yea, no.


1)You don't know what Silly has done. You don't know her at all.
            2)What? Ethan's gone crying back to you? Knew he was a pussy all along


*spams reports* JesseBeBacktoADeletedAccount


@JesseBeBack neither are you if you think that what you're doing to Silly is smart.


You're a dick. You think you're smart/funny, you're really not


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Alright fam-a-lam I'm seeing that you give zero fuck about people who are obviously right so how about this 
          Just don't read or go in sillys profile cause all your doing is making yourself mad or whatever and you use it to shit on her so just don't read what she posts and idk watch some YouTube vids with a nice water on the side


Jesse, please listen to me. I don't believe that insulting you is going to stop you from doing what you do to Sam. I want you to talk to me and explain things from your point of view because this isn't right, Jesse. You and Iboth know that it isn't right. If I can be there for you and understand you then things might get sorted. I know you don't really reply to anyone's messages on your message board, but just this once, please talk to me. I want to know what happens to your "not so bad" side that you told me about, when you're bullying Sam. Please, please listen to me and let me listen to you. Please. I just want to help. Not everyone is out to hurt you and insult you, that is why I promise you, you can trust me.