Hey guys, thats the next chapter of A Little peice of Hope up :) sorry for the long wait! I've been uber busy... anyway i would love if you could check it out and tell me what you think :) greatly appreciated!... oh and could you do me a favour and go on over to @missjoanjett 's message board and send her a 'WHOOP WHOOP!' she's a great writer! i personally loved 'put the pop tart down and nobody gets hurt jerk face!' it was funny and amazing! so go check her out :D! thank you!
Hey guys, thats the next chapter of A Little peice of Hope up :) sorry for the long wait! I've been uber busy... anyway i would love if you could check it out and tell me what you think :) greatly appreciated!... oh and could you do me a favour and go on over to @missjoanjett 's message board and send her a 'WHOOP WHOOP!' she's a great writer! i personally loved 'put the pop tart down and nobody gets hurt jerk face!' it was funny and amazing! so go check her out :D! thank you!
hey thanks for fanning! and voting it really means alot :P
oh and i'm going to a wedding in the summer in scotland!! - haha just thought you'd like to know :P
Laurie XxX