
Guess who's back?? =^.^=


Ummm...not sure who's gonna see this. My phone drowned. Therefore, I've lost my JessicaBarr24 account. The one I'm using now is my new one. But it'll mostly consist of Pokémon related stuff. Thankyou everyone for being with this account while it was alive, but I'm sorry to say that it will never rise from the grave again. Sorry guys.  =^.^=


Guess who's back?? =^.^=


Now everyone who came here.  Please read everything JessicaBarr24 has done.  She has done good.  I want everything she has done have a mean, but it does to me also.  And IF they come back, I want them to be heart warmed by us.


Guys...I'm leaving Wattpad For Good. I'm sorry about this, but I've got bigger things on my mind. Thankyou for being here with me all this time. And @WatDatBootieDo keep writing, your good at it and you're going to make it far. Goodbye everyone.


@JessicaBarr24 ... So be it.  I want you to accomplish your dreams and get to be your greatest!  You have taught me to be evenly honest with myself and you have encouraged me more than once.  I will never forget you for what you have done and you will always have a piece of my heart.  And looking at writing this... I'm glad I'm accepting it less than being stubborn.  Here come the tears.  As I said, I hope you become your greatest.  Live your life.  And since this is for good... I want to say I love you.  You are always family.  This might not be the last time we talk.  Must you always have a place to go to when your life is down.  I just... this is hard.  You were one of my first followers.  And definitely the most memorable.  Thank-you for always being there for me... hopefully when reading this, you will remember all of the other people you met in the world of WattPad.
            You, @JessicaBarr24 , will always have a place here on WattPad... and in my heart.


I just want to say one thing; Thank-You for getting me through hard times.  You need a BIG pat on the back for what you do.  You made me feel good on what was was writing- nobody has ever done that before you said it!  You are a wonderful person who still has meaning for the world!  So does everybody else.  I consider you a great friend!  Maybe even family.  You are nice and pleasant to be around.  You were there when nobody was.  As I say, "When you're older, you can look at your younger self and realize all of the differences and changes you have gone through!"
          You are amazing, spectacular, and you have gained 1 person's trust for all eternity.  <3


@WatDatBootieDo I scrolled down and immediately thought my name was an outlier.


@WatDatBootieDo Awe, Thankyou!! I'm glad to know that ice made a good difference in someone's life and that you can now realise the potential in yourself. Trust me, loads more people are gonna find your work and tell you how amazing it is, all it takes is time. And of course, a massive Thankyou to you as well!! It really warms my heart to know that people are helped and inspired by me. It's a great big confidence boost for me to want to start this band and make a difference. And hey, like I say myself, "Keep your chin up, your spirits higher and your hope so high that no-one will be tall enough to knock it down." Thanks for being an inspiration yourself, and a great friend too!! Btw, you might wanna check my new bio


I feel that I should give you guys a bit more of an explanation, because you deserve it for how you've helped me. You see, I suffer with a lot of problems. Now you don't have to believe me about all these, I don't expect you to. But I once made a promise that I would never lie to the people I help, or to the people that help me. So, I suffer with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, insomnia and schizophrenia. I have a mental problem where the smallest negative comment hurts like hell. I can't help, something in my brain just tells me that it is the worst thing I could ever possibly hear. And what with my depression and anxiety, the voices in my head caused by my schizophrenia, I've taken it of the worst kinds of ways. But don't worry, I'm not leaving this world anytime soon. Now, about this new career that I want to chase, well, my problems have something to do with it. You see, I find comfort in music, and then, I started writing my own. And it help, it really helped. That I wrote down all of my bad thoughts and feelings and turned them into a song. So, me and my friend are going to attempt to become a two-person band called StAtIcMiNdS. We hope that out music can change people's lives for the better. But we'll never know unless we try. So, wish us luck, and I will see you guys again some time. I promise.


@JessicaBarr24 I guess... We act alike ALOT