
'How Did I Fall In Love With You' Robert Irwin book chapter 1 is out now. 


Hey guys, I am so sorry to keep you all waiting. I have been so busy with school and family during the lockdown. I will try to post new chapters for each of my stories maybe once a second week. Keep an eye out for any updates on my profile conversations or on my stories. Take care guys bye~bye.


In New Zealand, our Prime Minister has moved the alert level for COVid 19 to Level 3. In 48 hours we will be moving to level 4 and New Zealand will be in lockdown, as for our New Zealanders we all want to stay at home for the next four weeks and be in self isolation. We all don't want to spread the virus to anyone else and we all want to stay healthy and well. Please support everyone in New Zealand who are now going into self isolation, send them some love and support them.
          "We're in this together and must unite against COVID-19" - By Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand