My name is Jessica Graham and I am 22 years of age, that is a single mother to an incredible 2 year old boy. For as long as I can remember, at a very young age, reading and writing became one of my talents. I was reading "big words" by the time I was 7 years old and already writing stories with over 50 pages. To this day, once I start writing, I just can't seem to stop. Writing essays was always hard for me because having to stop at 300 words wasn't going to happen, so I would have to find a way to cut sentences and paragraphs out to make it 300 words long, rather than over 1000. I have written a few books in my life, but nothing compared to the book I am hoping to show the world. I am very proud of myself at how far I have achieved and hope to share this with everyone.
  • Perth, Western Australia
  • JoinedJanuary 8, 2014

Story by Jessica Graham
Illicit Lovers by JessicaGraham3
Illicit Lovers
Indiana is a very intelligent, sophisticated 21 year old woman. But is hiding a dark secret: she is infatuate...