
As a reminder if you've read A Cage for Hungry Hearts, please be sure to leave a review over on goodreads. By the way the cover has been updated on Amazon with some of my original art. You can get a copy here:
          	Stay warm, friends!


hello!! I just logged into my wattpad account after some years, only to say that I just finished reading A cage for hungry hearts. I bought it one week ago and i started reading it yesterday, and finished it today. I remember reading it on wattpad when it was still called Nexus I believe? or something along that. 
          The story changed so much yet so little in my memory and finishing it bought me great happiness:,) I missed Domare and Winston and i am SO glad i got to read the finished book. It was truly brilliant<3


@sidhttps  Aww thank you! I haven't been on here myself in a while. Seeing your comment really made my day! I'm glad you were able to read the new version of the story. Thank you so much for purchasing a copy! I also hope you're doing well.


Hey! HRU doing?! Miss chatting!


@Jessica_Cohen Same here with the busy and hanging in there. I can imagine between the two you barely have time! Wish you the best of luck! Great hearing from you too! Best of luck in things!


@ColorfulWorldOfMine  Hi, there!! I'm surviving. Been busy with work and pursuing a Bachelor's degree. I hardly get on here anymore, but it is really good to hear from you! I hope you're doing well!!


I keep trying to think of places I can move my stories to where they might be more successful, but...that's hard! There aren't a whole lot of options out there, and they all cater to very specific crowds.
          RoyalRoad is very isekai for straight nerdy dudes
          WP is very isekai for the girlies (though the quality of most are questionable)
          KindleVella is teeming with hetero romances
          like...what else even is there? all others are obsolete at this point or sketchy af


@DomiSotto good to know!! thanks!


@Disa_Laring definitely 1st world problems lol


@Jessica_Cohen Inkitt implemented a really fair system. Obviously, it will get backlogged as soon as the site gets more writers. But atm it is very much 
             worth trying as long as you are not looking for a huge success. Moderate is quite possible and the main thing doesn’t require any promotion.


You have no idea how many times I have read about Domare and Winston   they captured my heart....thank you for introducing them to me


@Maggiemugera I appreciate the support <3 I'll just keeping pushing and maybe one day I'll find some success with marketing.


@Maggiemugera I've introduced it to everyone I know... they loved it too ...I wish I could help but I'm only a reader 


@Maggiemugera Oh! Thank YOU for leaving me such a lovely comment! I love them, too. I only wish I could figure out a way to market the book better so more people could learn about them.


Truth be told, I am considering deleting this account. It doesn't get much traction anymore, and it's become a bit of a burden to keep up with.


@Disa_Laring Absolutely! If it comes to that (I'm still undecided), I'll reach out to you.


If you feel more comfortable deleting it, I’ll encourage you. You know what feels best for your work and your mental health. But if you do, could you shoot me a message? I’d like to keep in touch somewhere and keep getting updates since I’ve been reading your works for so long :’) 


@DomiSotto True, but I've always been uncomfortable leaving my work to just sort of float on a website that can change its policies from day-to-day. The only thing I'd really miss is my connection to a handful of other authors, such as yourself.


Regardless of how many times I told myself to keep my expectations low for self-pubbing A Cage for Hungry Hearts, the book's utter lack of traction still manages to sting. Please, if you enjoyed the book, please consider reviewing/purchasing it.


@Disa_Laring Thank you, dear. You have always been so supportive and kind and I greatly appreciate you. I really needed this today.


@Jessica_Cohen Don't beat yourself down. I've been keeping tabs on you for a few years and know just how much of a capable author you are! I just placed my order for the paperback version and I'm so excited to see your journey from here on <3