

That's it.
          My first complete wattpad story! False Prophets is now completed and the rest two chapters have just been published right now! I hope you enjoy it so much. Truth is, this book has been completed since three to four days after the introduction dropped and that's like since new years day. I had just wanted to do daily updates but I couldn't wait any longer.
          Have fun reading!
          With love,
          Jess x.


Hey sunshines!
          Okay but this maybe too much but the next chapter of False Prophets and my blog has been published and I really hope you enjoy this one as much as I did writing!
          I also want to use this opportunity to thank you all for the ceaseless love and support on my works. I got some beautiful replies and comments on False Prophets and my blog that every time I see them, it just brings this huge grin to my face and happiness to my heart. Thank you all for the love and support so far!
          If you haven't tried it out yet, head over and give it a shot and I promise you will never regret. I want to be committed to writing and giving you guys the most worthwhile works so hence my next announcement.
          I have published the introduction to another book that has been sitting in my draft since last year. I initially deleted it and wrote the introduction again but this time, I want to take it head on. 
          The name of this new project is 'A Thousand Summer Nights'. The updates will commence in February (I hope) and that's because I don't really have the opportunity to publish or even be on social media for this month. I'm so sorry. I will he writing offline and publish them steadily when I have the time. 
          Thank you again for everything and sorry for the spam!
          The links to the story are down below!
          With much love, 
          Jess x.


Hey lovelies!
          It's been awhile since I had been up here and trust me, it's not normal. I have been so busy – I still am and probably going to be for the next few weeks but I have taken time to think of what next thing I'd like to do on wattpad.
          So I'm presenting you my newest project, it's a shorts and in other words, it's a short story and it's about a girl that has been bullied and her transition to her real self.
          The truth is that, I have taken time to think of what I actually want to be remembered for on wattpad and I've decided to write on some issues affecting the population that might seem so little but they actually have huge effects on people whether psychologically or mentally.
          I also have a bunch of other projects that have been sitting in my drafts that I want to turn the storyline too around to something that can help people passing through a tough mental health or something that can help humanity and the community here on wattpad at large.
          Thanks to my huge friends on wattpad. They are few but they are special. For the support and love.
          I hope you try it out when it drops and don't worry, another episode of my blog will drop sooner than you expect.
          With love, 