
Hey I was wondering if you could possibly read my story? It's called "Tantalizing Desires Past Midnight" 
          In know these can get pretty annoying but hey that's what we authors have to deal with right? Lol 
          Well hope you read it! Maybe comment, vote, and maybe maybe fan? Please and thank you! 
          Nightraven896 xoxo XD


hi! do u luve stories packed with action? 
          well, kick ur way in this!!!!!!!! its about a girl who is not like any other normal girls, and shes tough - beware! 
          i'd luve ya for ever if u read, comment, vote and fan!!!!!!! (is my story good enough for u? wanna find out? then read to the end of my 6 chp!) 
          i promise to return the favour, if u want anything for me to read just drop by and ask! 


I just recently posted two chapters of an old story I have written. If you get the chance please stop by and take a look. (: And, if it isn't too much to ask, leave a comment with some sort of feedback; it helps me better my writing. Thanks so much. If you ever want me to read anything you post, feel free to ask. (:

Vibrant know, nothing in today's world is free...blame it on the economics...
          but actually reading any one of my story, is absolutely free....sounds like a good deal? :D
          Dusk Before Nightfall-Avan is living her life, like those stereotyped characters, who is new to the university-NMU, is quite an introvert, but then meets this playboy-Chris.....all goes perfect, until she falls in love with him. sounds nothing new? well, the story begins now, after taking off her virginity, she is treated like trash................and he leaves her forever...or so it seems? after a while, she discovers quite a secret, but she isn't as sure of it. The secret involves her enemy, Isabella and .....Chris.........who seems to have had a dark past, full of lies and cruelty, even beyond. Meanwhile, pressured by friends, Avan starts living a new life, and so she begins getting very much close to Luke, one of Chris's friends, who in turn seems to have a genuine interest in her.....but what of Chis? and his past.....a huge crime? is it?
          my second story is-Condemend, based on how we sterotype harlots or prostitutes....
          its a short story.
          Happy reading :)