
I had hoped to be able to post a new chapter this weekend, but it was just too busy for me to find time to write more than 400 words. Unfortunately, I really won't have another chance to write until Tuesday at the earliest. Maybe I can finish Chapter 5 and get it posted, then...maybe...hopefully.


ReStatus: That happens to me a lot.


I find the planning stage fun but the physical writing hard at times. It is a lot of work and I should follow my advice but I feel the same way. No patience. I am making sure my current project is completely planned chapter by chapter before I even begin writing a smidge.


That would be wise, but would require *far* too much patience for me to pull off. (The bit about writing completing it first.) I'm going to try to draw a map of my locations and write a rough outline for the next two or three locations I want the story to visit before I write any tonight. Maybe that'll be enough to get my Muse back into shape.


I went a few months without updating before. I regret it but I didn't have it planned well. I think you should not worry about when you update but still make a regular writing schedule. Write a few chapters a ahead before posting to see if it flows. Or write the entire thing before posting and edit as you post each chapter?


I had hoped to be able to post a new chapter this weekend, but it was just too busy for me to find time to write more than 400 words. Unfortunately, I really won't have another chance to write until Tuesday at the earliest. Maybe I can finish Chapter 5 and get it posted, then...maybe...hopefully.