
Hi there to anyone reading Blood Moon Harvest. Firstly thanks so much for reading!! Secondly I'm really sorry I haven't updated but I'm writing tests and it's been such a busy semester... I'll be done with tests around the end of the month and I promise I'll update then!! Thanks for your patience ❤


Hi there to anyone reading Blood Moon Harvest. Firstly thanks so much for reading!! Secondly I'm really sorry I haven't updated but I'm writing tests and it's been such a busy semester... I'll be done with tests around the end of the month and I promise I'll update then!! Thanks for your patience ❤


So I posted my book Blood Moon Harvest and I know it still needs work but so far I have the "bare bones" of chapter one posted and it isn't bad so check it out. 
          As of right now I have no idea what my updating schedule will look like but if I can get a few reads and votes I'll publish updates faster.
          If you're reading the book THANK YOU and I hope you enjoy it. :)


Do you know how to make covers for books? Or know someone who does them?


Hi I don't personally know how to do them and I don't really know anyone that does. I did however see someone who does them but I haven't spoken to her or anything so I'm not sure how it works. Check @ravioli_is_life_xx she has a book where she says she makes covers for people