
Neferpitou is hot cant tall me otherwhize 


Do you take requests?


It's ok, take your time whenever you catch up with it, if not it's ok thank you anyway


@shahdg sorry im not that far in free 


Ok can you do a natsuya oneshot


Rokka and the Six Flowers and Rising of the Shield Hero crossover


@Jessiemiiuu I see okay I understand


@dcraus123 i am sorry but I only do characters and no crossovers but feel free to request a character if ya chose someone from shield hero a naufumi one is coming up so yea if ya want him there is one on the way but i do not do crossovers 


Hey my dear readers can i ask you a question 
          I made a rule that I only write about anime that i watcehd and put on a list in my book but I am quite confused that someone asked to write a story with an anime thats not on that list. I said to that person hey sorry I dont know that anime so i cant write about it. And they said " do you micht watch ' that anime ' and see for yourself' and requested it AGAIN 
          And the questoin is?
          Does a requester have the richt to demand a writer to watch an anime just so they can get their story ?


Sorry about that here a  different idea
          Rising of the Shield Hero and Akame ga kill.
          After the events of the series Akame decided to start traveling suddenly during a storm she got shipwreck and find herself in a different continent a kingdom called Melomarc. Where their are threats known as the Waves of Catastrophe. She encounters the Shield Hero named Naofumi Iwatani and her companion Raphtalia. Now she joins Naofumi to stop the Waves of Catastrophe and saves the world.
          P.S if you don't know who Akame is you want to go online and read her character profile. She is a awesome character
          It a good idea. It will work perfectly