
You know that feeling you get when a person whom you used to think was your bestfriend turns Their back on you? Who is now a person that doesn't look back at you Or smile back or even talk to you in a nice way. The person whom you used to act all kind and friendly with, The person that used to LAUGH at you instead of laugh with you and you thinking their Lauging with you? That is the person whom i used to call my bestfriend. You know your bestfriend is gone when she talks with everyone you hate except you and doesn't even bother to look back at you. You know she's gone when she asking you to shut up suddenly starts becoming real and Mean. You know she's gone cause she was never there at all.


@REMUSexual You don't have to be sorry lol, I just had gotten a text from jenny at that time and all these emotions just came to me at once


@JessietheGryffindor oh okay, sorry you had to go through that <3


@REMUSexual It was aimed at another girl over here and Jenny, One of my ex bestfriends.


I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. When I asked "why?", the angel said, "Angels do not watch after angels!" There are twenty angels in your life: ten are sleeping, nine are playing and one is reading this. God has seen you struggling with some stuff and he says it's over. A blessing is coming your way. When you get this message, send it to 14 friends including me. When you get five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you...not joking. Pass this message on. Don’t ignore it. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life.


I keep seeing ur comments and curiosity got the best of me. 


this message may be offensive
@JessieTheMikaelson fuck you for being the killjoy


this message may be offensive
@JessieTheMikaelson no shit Sherlock


@azzabashriek She got curious about me


Hello! We are a new profile that promotes clean Wattpad books, short stories, and poem collections. All you have to do is follow the directions on our profile (only two steps!) and we will promote as many of your books as are eligible. All eligible books will also become a Book of the Week at some point, and a lucky few will be chosen as Book of the Month.
          Thank you for your time! I hope you have a wonderful day ♡
          ~The Writing Bee


@GrinchFetish69 sorry, since this was posted a while ago this account has changed. It's no longer centered around promotions but it's more of a personal writing account. I do have a review book where you can leave a request to have a story reviewed


Hey havent heard from you in a long time, how are? Did your move go well? Done anything exiting latley? Pablo says hi and he hopes all is well ❤️


@thumper041 Okay this is the last of my account changes I swear-


@thumper041 YES SHES BACK YEAAAAAA okay x'cuse me i legit missed seeing your notifacations on my message board


For Girls Only!!!
          I hate chain mail but this one's cute
          Dear God, the girl reading this is kind and I'm proude of her. Please help her live life the fullest and bless her in her chosen field.
          Now you're on the clock, in 9 minutes sometjing will make you happy. Please share this to 15 girls you love. Remember only girls! If you don't get this back it's obvious you are not a close friend.  
          Now, I have a game for you, it's been played since 1977. Once you have read this, you have to send it to 15 people. Your next 5 days will be like this: 
          Day 1- You will wake up with the biggest shock of your life.
          Day 2- You will cross paths with an old friend whom you have missed.
          Day 3- You will find your self with a lot of money.
          Day 4- Your day will be perfect.
          Day 5- The person you like most in your life will spend lots of time with you.
          If you don't forward this message, your next 5 days will be the exact opposite.