
Hey! Just thought I'd say a quick hey and let you guys know Business as Usual, slowly being readded, will be updated over the start of the coming week and therefore a regular weekly basis. Look out for updates or even follow to get notifications! This also applies to The Panda Book of Stories you might also be interested in and the replies I owe.
          	Watch this space!


Hey! Just thought I'd say a quick hey and let you guys know Business as Usual, slowly being readded, will be updated over the start of the coming week and therefore a regular weekly basis. Look out for updates or even follow to get notifications! This also applies to The Panda Book of Stories you might also be interested in and the replies I owe.
          Watch this space!


Hey! I would just like to say a big thank you to all my fans, people who just add to library, like and even just read! You are all amazing! I know I've not written in ages and some are even abandoned but I'm way too busy and not feeling any writing right now. I plan on starting afresh soon. If you have any suggestions, let me know- feel free to even tell me you love a certain one I've abandoned and would love for me to continue or whatever you feel like saying (no rudeness, though). You never know! Anyways, I'm sorry. Thank you for everything! Enjoy and hope I'll be writing something you will enjoy soon. You all make me smile. (: ~Tots