
Two people are having a conversation 
          	1st person:" Hey, you wanna hear a joke?"
          	2nd person:" Yeah I guess so."
          	1st:" Ok. So, why did the chicken cross the road?"
          	2nd:" I don't know. Why?"
          	1st:" To get to the idiot's house."
          	2nd:" Ok. So is that it?"
          	1st:" No. Knock knock. " 
          	* makes hand gesture*
          	2nd:" Who's there?" 
          	1st:" The chicken."


Two people are having a conversation 
          1st person:" Hey, you wanna hear a joke?"
          2nd person:" Yeah I guess so."
          1st:" Ok. So, why did the chicken cross the road?"
          2nd:" I don't know. Why?"
          1st:" To get to the idiot's house."
          2nd:" Ok. So is that it?"
          1st:" No. Knock knock. " 
          * makes hand gesture*
          2nd:" Who's there?" 
          1st:" The chicken."


I'm gonna try this new thing with puns and jokes
          - one to three puns/jokes 
          - time span to post one week
          - Quotes,dad jokes, knock knock jokes, and a lot more to be included 
          - try to be original but most likely have to look up some ( will give credit) 
          Here I go...