
Hey everyone!! It's been a hot minute since I've last been on here haha. But anyways, I finally decided to change the status of Septiplier One-Shots to Completed. I had an idea for a final chapter, but I never got to it, and I don't think I ever will. It's sad, I know, but it's the truth.
          	I think the last chapter I posted, "Today", was a fitting end. I'm sad that I won't be updating anymore, but it's time to move on.
          	I love you guys. Always <3


Last year when I discovered this account I was just researching stuff about team crafted and things and stumbled upon the SkyLox trilogy. I honestly just want to say thank you for such an awesome and beautiful story. I don't exactly ship people but that trilogy was phenomenal nonetheless. So yeah... You probably won't see this (due to your account being 11 years old) but thank you! I'll never forget your work!


@ProjectCookies Omg. I haven’t logged on here in years and just happened to want to take a trip down memory lane. Thank you SO much for your kind words. This trilogy really changed my life, and it means so much to me that even after all this time, you were able to enjoy it.


So thankful that I got the chance to read it (thank you so much for not unpublishing!)


Hey everyone!! It's been a hot minute since I've last been on here haha. But anyways, I finally decided to change the status of Septiplier One-Shots to Completed. I had an idea for a final chapter, but I never got to it, and I don't think I ever will. It's sad, I know, but it's the truth.
          I think the last chapter I posted, "Today", was a fitting end. I'm sad that I won't be updating anymore, but it's time to move on.
          I love you guys. Always <3


I hope I'm not bothering you, but I wanted to ask if you were going to be continuing the Septiplier One Shots? If you're not, that's totally cool, and I will definitely keep reading them over and over again(: You're a really great writer and I can't wait to (hopefully) hear more from you in the future(:


That’s ok! Thank you SO MUCH for writing such a great story that I KNOW I’ll continue to love and come back to whenever I need a laugh or a smile. Thank you, so much!


@chiCHIC17 oh geez, im really sorry for the late reply!! but no, i dont think ill be updating it anymore :((


Gah, I missed my anniversary. But I've been on this site for 4 years, guys!! That's INSANE. And it's even crazier seeing how far I've come, how much my life has changed, etc., all because of Wattpad. Seriously. So much of who I am today has been shaped from every thing that has happened on this site or because of it.
          Thank you guys for being with me all this time :) I love you all <3


Hey! It's been a while since I last logged on here, and I feel kind of bad lol. How are you guys doing? :)


@Amadeiya ah, I'm alright. school is a bit stressful, but I don't have much to complain about :)


@Jessobecka Been lurking around too. So far doing well! How'd you?


this message may be offensive
Hey Jessobecka!! So I'm a really old fan of yours, and I read your 3 skylox books when you were writing them and I stumbled upon your username in my notifications about your septiplier book today and was like 'shit this is the kid that wrote those books I read two years ago' and I just wanted to tell you how much those books meant to me and how much you've  helped me back then when I was reading them❤️ anyways I just wanted to tell you that I will always be one of your loyal potatoes and that I love your work 
          A queer kid that you helped with mental issues in the past. <3 


@UniverseCATS I can easily say that this is one of the sweetest messages I've ever received. It really means so much to me to see how much my books have helped you, and I'm just so glad that you've remembered my stories after all these years. Thank you so, so, SO much for the kind words ❤


Are you aware that "forget about this" in your Septiplier oneshots is either VERY incomplete or purposefully only two short paragraphs long and people want answers on which one it is?? XD


No problem! I was just curious and figured I should just get to the heart of the problem, I do really hope you keep what is there and probably try to make it again someday though, because I know I and everyone that read what is there are very interested in the story it has. Just some food for thought *thumbs up* thanks for the closure on that one 


@Animalyssa Seriously, thank you again for telling me about it. I'm sadly not able to recover what was lost, but at least I can take down what was there so people will no longer be confused.


Oh my god GOOD I was so afraid you were going to say "Yep! That's how it's supposed to be!" Because this chapter had been plaguing me practically ever since I first read the book! I'm SO glad there's an actual story to it!! Haha ^_^