It's been a while. Oops. Well, I promise I've been working on my short story, it's halfway/nearly halfway done. Maybe it's not really all that short after all? I don't know. I've been doing other things too, like babysitting, thinking, mentally preparing myself for junior year, and tweeting (a lot).
What I came here to tell you all just now, is that I got my junior year schedule on Wednesday and I'm in Creative Writing 2! So much excitement is in me (and in my friend who is also in aforementioned class) that I cannot contain it! So hopefully I will write some stories and stuff in there that I can upload here, too. :) My first day of that class is August 26th, and the class begins at 1:25pm EST. I will always look forward to that time until the end of the semester.
Later, readers and writers!