
I am currently working on Chapter one of "The Red Dress Beauty." It should be out today or tomorrow.


Hi, so updates usually come when I have motivation. Currently I am not caught up on Chicago P.D. I am hoping to update within the next few months! I am currently in my last semester of my Freshman year of college so I don’t know when I will. I currently don’t have a lot of motivation for that book but when I do I will post on my message board. 


@JessycaHill, Hi when are you going to update Hailey Upton the blue eyed girl...??? 


I am currently working on Chapter one of "The Red Dress Beauty." It should be out today or tomorrow.


Hi, so updates usually come when I have motivation. Currently I am not caught up on Chicago P.D. I am hoping to update within the next few months! I am currently in my last semester of my Freshman year of college so I don’t know when I will. I currently don’t have a lot of motivation for that book but when I do I will post on my message board. 


@JessycaHill, Hi when are you going to update Hailey Upton the blue eyed girl...??? 


9-1-1 MultiFandom Serious AU idea!! Opinions wanted!! (Basically if anyone would read!)
          Eddie Diaz X Evan Buckley X OC (Poly relationship)
          (Multiple kids)
          Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz is a Billionaire CEO of a company that is about affordable internal medical devices (Pacemakers, artificial limbs, etc.). (Company name tbd)
          Evan “Buck” Buckley is a billionaire CEO of a company that is about affordable external medical devices (prosthetics, colostomy bags, diabetes devices, etc.). (Company name tbd)
          Amelia “Lia” Benson is a billionaire CEO of a company that is about affordable medications (antidepressants, steroids, antibiotics, antipsychotics, etc.). (Company name tbd)
          Amelia, (Will mainly be in her POV unless requested otherwise or decided otherwise) Evan, and Edmundo have been invited to attend a gala that is being held to raise donations for their companies. Amelia, Evan, and Edmundo become fast friends, and enjoy spending time together. People might say they fell in love! (Buck and Eddie fell first, Lia fell harder) follow along as they go through their life together!
          Other universes involved (One Chicago/SVU and the 9-1-1’s)
          Amelia’s Best Friend: Sylvie Brett
          Buck’s Best Friend: Tyler Kennedy (TK) Strand
          Eddie’s Best Friend: Carlos Reyes
          Amelia Benson Face Claim: Danielle Campbell


Hey guys! I am so sorry for being MIA. I decided to update at least a book or two this month. Be on the lookout for an update on Blue-Eyed Girl and one other book that has been undecided. If you have a preference on what book let me know! I have started writing the chapter for Blue-Eyed Girl and it should be up by the end of this week. I hope! Fingers crossed! I do want to make it known that updates depend on motivation and inspiration! I also want it to be known that my interests are not all the same anymore! I will be going through my books and marking certain ones discontinued. Those will remain discontinued until i become interested again! Thank you for your patience!


Hey! I am so sorry that I have been absent, and my schedule for updating is non-existent, but I really want to change that. I might have to make this into two posts as I have a lot to say. First of all, I want to tell you about the books I am discontinuing for now/ redoing at some point. The following books fall under that category: "I Believe in You", "Loving Can Hurt", "Secret in The Stars", "How My Life Was Ruined", "The Devil in Disguise", and "Blue-Eyed Girl". Now I am fully aware that those books are 75% of my books, but I don't have many ideas for them right now and/or don't like the way I wrote them. As for the other two which are my Maya Bishop Fanfic and my Natalie Manning Fanfic, I am putting the Maya Bishop book on hold as I am not caught up on the show and I currently have no inspiration. As for the Natalie Manning book I have Ideas for a few major chapters but need to plan the others. Also, if you have any Ideas for the two books, or any advice for the ones I am Discontinuing/ redoing please let me know! With all the updates on my current books being said, I have been really into Stranger Things lately! I am planning on starting a book and have a lot of the main detail figured out! I haven't decided on a name so I will work on it! One last thing! In about 6 weeks I am staring school so it might be hard to write as I will be busy applying to college and completing my senior year. Thank you for all the Patience and I will try to start making an effort to posting!
          Lots of Love,


Can you continue your blue eyed girl story please 
          If you can


I will try to have a chapter or two done by next Sunday but I don’t really know because I post when I get inspired with an idea for one of my books. But I will definitely try!!!


Hey Guys! I am back. I am so sorry but due to my busy schedule and quarantine I had no inspiration for my books. I recently got back into my normal self and feel like I can start updating more. Also due me not being in the right mindset while falling in love with Cimorelli, I will be putting 'I Believe In You' on hold into the foreseeable future. Until I feel this is absolutely going to work out I will not be posting any new stories, despite my want to. I want to thank you all for voting and adding my books to your story and I am excited to be back!


Hey, Here is my schedule for Updates for my books!!
          How My Life Was Ruined - New Cover coming soon and I will update on Thursdays.
          My Life: At Least I thought It Was Simple - I have no inspiration so I am deleting it. Sorry.
          I Believe In You - I will Be Updating Every Tuesday.
          Secret in the Stars - Every Monday.
          Loving Can Hurt - Every Saturday (If I Have No gymnastics Comps or If I do have one If I feel Up to it)
          And Lastly My new book 
          The Devil in Disguise - Every Sunday (If I Have No gymnastics Comps or If I do have one If I feel Up to it)
          Thank you for your time!!


COmpetitions start in February!