
@TheRealHachiKomatsu Cat! Why are so many people interested in cats on Wattpad? I mean I know there are a lot of people who love cats in the world but is it just a writer thing or something? Most writers love cats?
          	Also what's up? Why are you on my message board?


@MarkEverest64  never grow up, never be ashamed!
          There's also nothing wrong with being a girl and playing games, nor should it be surprising for anyone really. Go download PokeMMO and play that if you want to be able to play old school pokemon with your friends....or play Dungeon Fighter Online and just have a blast with the greatest free game ever.


@MarkEverest64 I said average, but that's actually wrong. The correct term would be "majority" since middle-aged house wives outnumber us typical gamers.
          I'm more a puzzles and adventures kind of guy, and just about any strategy game I can get my hands on. I love tactical games, or even just tactical elements within games. Anyone can just up the damage and health of an enemy to make it harder, but having a game become more difficult while the enemies stay the same is just a whole different experience, one that requires a lot more planning and effort to make a reality.


@MarkEverest64 Not in this day and age. Gaming is becoming something accepted across all ages and genders. There's nothing wrong with liking Pokémon, trust me. I'm studying gaming and software design. Knowing my potential audience is an integral part of my studies, we've had a lot of discussions on it.
          The average gamer is actually women between the age of thirty and sixty, playing candy crush and Farmville on Facebook.


          I'm going to drop a line and say, while I do like the fact you are putting yourself out there in the community, I do would like to say, have you thought of actually applying yourself as a Wattpad Ambassador? 
          I'm not saying that to debase your work, nor what you're doing, (which in my opinion, it's pretty cool that you're going around and keeping an eye on things. Shoot, I do that all the time sometimes on thread. Moreso of just being a "Male Ambassador" and helping out the New people on the Action threads), but I do suggest yo to go for the Ambassador program.
          And hopefully people don't get ruffled with your massive posts (while insightful) and may feel insulted. 
          I personally know that bluntless can be a good asset (well in my opinion, that's what I came off as from one forum I was looking over), it can be a little uneasy for people to react to.
          By the way, who is "We" that you often reference as for the people to make our Wattpad lives more "convenient"? 
          But of course, I'm not here to change anyone's mentality, I'd just like you to understand where I am coming from in my standpoint. I've been on this site for a good two, nearly three years. I've seen things come and go, and while it's good to have people watching the forums, and giving a simple notice about following rules, I would just like you to know about how some people personally feel. 
          Feel free to send this post up to the moderation team if you feel like this post is offensive or debasing about your work on the "Post Patrol". I take pride in giving a hand to new writers. That's all I merely do. 
          By the way, if you do Post Patrol in the IYW, I'd recommend you'd swing by and defuse all those ticking time bomb forums going off in The Cafe. I have a feeling that "Controversial Topic" rule hasn't been quite followed these days....


Yeah I'm not a mod either. Being a part of the Post Patrol, anyone who knows the club rules and puts an effort towards keeping them clean, means that you can tag a moderator to get the thread closed. You should still give your direction for where the person goes to and such, but at the end you just tag a moderator or two who looks after the club you're in. That way they can close and sink the thread so that others don't post in it, it doesn't get revived, and it's cleared from the first few pages so that it isn't clogging the clubs. Moderators have to search through the clubs looking for things to close anyways. This just helps them out a bunch since we're finding them anyways.


Life is a popularity contest (deep shit, you heard it from the Jester), but yeah it is quite distasteful. There's a number of rules that are just based on the general guidelines of the website and the terms and services, as well as rules dictating the entire club system, as I'm sure you're well aware, so sometimes it's hard to find those kinds of ones.
          Since I'm not on enough, make sure you close down any "chat as your character" threads. I don't know if you were paying attention when I caused that ruckus, but in a nutshell I got them moved to the cafe, and then the cafe eliminated them all together, so now people cannot advertise their as your character role playing anywhere in the clubs, and can only host role playing as their characters on one of their message boards, using it as a thread instead of an actual thread. This way it doesn't clog up any of the clubs like they used to. @Anonymous4321


Oh my god, is your profile picture Marshall from Adventure Time with Fionna and Cake?


Oh woaaah I never check my e-mails so I never see these people posting on my message board!
            Yeah it's Marshall Lee, and right now it's Christmas Time Marshall Lee. I'm an artist but I struggle with people, and I love a friend of mine's art style a lot so I begged her to make me a Marshall Lee skype pic to use. I've used it everywhere since, and on Christmas she gave me this new festive Marshall pic to match her festive Fionna pic. We have a lot of laughs over it all.