@Jethalal_C_Gada If you don't mind can I suggest you my stories?
There are three of them actually two of them,
One is a short story story of just 5000 words named Fleeting Glances, a quick cute read that maybe could melt your heart
And yes, it's completed.
Another one is Mending Secrets, its the first book of the Mending series. If you decide come accross the pages of Mending Secrets you'll dive into the web of secrets – of past hearts and second chance, mending everything all together.
(It rhyme so well isn't it?)
And it has some flirty moments tooo.
The third one it's not actually a book, it's my rant book (if that what it's called) where I share my opinions over books and my dramatic thoughts over life, maybe you could resonate with them.
So which one should I suggest you, if you want a suggestion.
( Deep down Manifesting you will give my books a chance.)