Happy 2025 peeps! (I had to wait past 12:00 to say this) Can't wait to see everyone bloom even more than last year (that feels weird to say since this is the start of a new year huh? Opps I'm rambling-) But with that I hope everyone is making New Years Revolutions!~ for mine I'm gonna try and quit a bad habit I have that I started not to long ago(it was an app that's kinda popular and started going right down hill for the younger folk being of changes they made to it) I found reading more on here has been helping and so far I've deleted the app! But enough about me(since I'm rambling) and I hope everyone's new year helps you grow and has many happy moments moving forward. ❤️❤️❤️ -Jevil

My dyslexic [Sensored] wrote being instead of because. Why?- What a wonderful start to the new year.