
Hi everyone,
          	Some people may have probably noticed that I updated Chapter 15 of Lost Soul again. Some may not. I don't know.
          	Regardless, it's not that different, but I managed to add the image I was using as a reference for the outfit Maia describes in the story.
          	I will be updating again either soon or tomorrow before (or after maybe) I hang out at my friend's place. I'm not sure yet. 
          	But either way this is just a quick message to say that I didn't change much in Chapter 15 just a few word choices and such and that I'm PLANNING --key word PLANNING -- to update again soon.


Hi everyone,
          Some people may have probably noticed that I updated Chapter 15 of Lost Soul again. Some may not. I don't know.
          Regardless, it's not that different, but I managed to add the image I was using as a reference for the outfit Maia describes in the story.
          I will be updating again either soon or tomorrow before (or after maybe) I hang out at my friend's place. I'm not sure yet. 
          But either way this is just a quick message to say that I didn't change much in Chapter 15 just a few word choices and such and that I'm PLANNING --key word PLANNING -- to update again soon.


Hello everyone, 
          So I have been thinking about some stuff lately. And I've been thinking about whether or not to take down my stories, finish them off, and re-upload them as completed stories. 
          The reason behind doing this is so that you guys don't have to wait months for an update. You can just read the whole thing in one go. 
          However, doing this would mean that I get less feedback from you guys as I write. Which is something that does make me hesitant to actually sorta commit to this decision. 
          So, I'm going to ask you guys, my followers, what you think would be best; what would be your preference?
          A) Take it down and re-upload them as completed stories.
          B) Leave them as they are. 
          Let me know what you think would be best, and I shall go from there. 
          Please keep in mind that even if you guys say to keep it, I may still decide to take it down. 
          With that, I leave you guys to comment your preference and let me know what you think would be the better option. 
          Till next time,


@Ophelia_CC Yeah, I just feel like if I take them down then I'll have more time to work on it and solidify it since I won't feel pressured to write a chapter and post it. I appreciate that you don't mind waiting though. ^w^


@FanWithanAttitude B) leave them as they are. Tbh, i dont mind waiting months-years even- for an update. (But thats just my personality, i guess)  


Okay. So.
          I know I haven't posted anything for AAAAGES and I'm not gonna make excuses. I'm gonna cut the crap and just say that I've been really busy/distracted that I had kinda forgotten about my writing. 
          Seriously when you have to do a few creative tasks for one of your school classes writing becomes slightly less fun.
          Nevertheless I shall try my best to get back into writing, but I wouldn't count on an update coming anytime in the next couple days. 
          Maybe a week or two, but I don't think it'll be tomorrow, is what I'm getting at here.
          I know a couple weeks is a while to wait but I have to give myself a bit of leeway otherwise I won't have it done and I'll just feel really bad about not getting something out on time.
          Because I'm just that nice.
          Anyway, shoutout to @Ophelia_CC for their lovely comment on one of my stories. Thanks friend, I appreciate it. I'll get to work on chapter 3 for you soon!
          As always thanks for taking time out of your day to read this post from a random author and I'll see you in my next Author's Note!
          Bye bye now lovelies!


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
          TIS ME.
          I AM BACK.
          One hell of an intro. ANYWAY. I know I have been away for aaaageees and I swear it wasn't meant to be this long it's just that I've had stuff and things happening and I meant to update, I swear I did.
          But my tablet just doesn't fit in me hands right so it makes it difficult (and slow) to type on it. I would have used my laptop but I feel like it's kinda too public to be writing on so.
          However, I am back, and I shall be updating as soon as I can. I've also gotten into some new fandoms while I was away (nameley K-pop group BTS) so that will prove interesting for inspiration and such.
          Lemme know what you'd like to see me update/publish in future you guys and I'll see you in my next update! Byeeeee!
          Love you my little crown jewels! (I don't know think of a name for yourselves and hit me with it, I'm open to suggestions.)
          - Your very sorry and tired and all sorts of shit author, Fan.


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Hey guys.
          I have some news for you all. As we all know, I suck at updating regularly. And for quite a while I may be even MORE lax than I already am with updating. 
          I can already hear a lot of you crying and asking me why, especially cause I plan on publishing a new story fairly soon. But the answer to the question is because I'm uninstalling Wattpad from my phone. Mostly to free up storage space but partially also because I want to install another app on my phone that requires me to uninstall Wattpad, Messenger, or Google keyboard. 
          And since I can access Wattpad on my tablet or my laptop, I decided that I'm going to have to sacrifice Wattpad for now. If and when I get a new phone, however, I will definitely install Wattpad on there. So until further notice, updates will likely be slower than usual. I can't say for sure but yeah.
          Which is pretty slow, because we all know how bad I am at updating regularly. But yes, before I go I shall publish the first part of a new story as an apology to all 20 of you.
          Which can I just say, WHAT THE FUCK. Seriously, I appreciate you guys so much I can hardly believe that there's twenty of you lot. 
          So yeah, new story should be going up shortly, I just need to make a cover for it. But after that updates will likely be even slower than normal. 
          Apologies to any and all of you that are crying and begging me not to go XD Aaaanyway I'll go ahead and get to work on the cover and I'll talk to you all sometime soon ish hopefully? I honestly have no idea. 
          Buhbye now, I love you all!


HELLO! Yes, I am alive. I know it's been a while but I've been getting a lot of homework on and off for the last however long.
          While I've been trying to write during my free time, it's been a little sparse lately, due to homework. I'm also trying to make my writing a little more... Visual, for lack of a better word. 
          But hopefully with some new music on my phone, I'll be able to write a little more. Hopefully. No promises, but I'll try my best. 
          But regardless, thank you again for your patience with me and my irregular updates and constant apologies for not updating hahaha.
          Anyway, once again, please show your support and vote/comment/share my work with friends and family that you think might be interested in it and if you want to, you can even follow me. For now though, show your support, tell me how I can improve and as always, I'll do my best to update again soon. 
          Thanks once again for your patience and support! Keep it up, petals! I love you all! Till next time, byeee!


          I know, I know. I swear it was meant to come out sooner than this!! I swear it was!
          Anyway, just wanted to reiterate something I've said numerous times before, which is that your support means the absolute WORLD to me. 
          If you like my work, PLEASE encourage me! If you hate it, TELL ME WHY SO I CAN IMPROVE! Vote, comment, hell, SHARE the story with your friends!
          If you have friends that you think would enjoy my stories please do not hesitate to share it with them and sing your damn praises XD Again, means the world to me.
          Shoutout to ALL OF YOU for being so fricken patient with my lazy ass, I promise I'll try to get the next chapter out soon ish. Like within the next couple months. 
          One last thing: I'm thinking of starting to dedicate chapters to people who vote and comment constantly, hell you might even get a shoutout if you follow me as well. 
          That's not saying you should, but again. It's just an idea I'm thinking of. Lemme know and enjoy the update!


Heyy ru a anime luver?


Nah no reason just asking to see if ur one of us ;D


@pranathi_b Yep. Any particular reason for asking, or just curious? (:


Hello I come from Google+


@SkyeHaine Hi! I know, I saw your post. Welcome, I guess. XD