
Be sure to follow me on my new account: Paint Brush Jewel - I have BRAND NEW stories up that I really think all of you will enjoy. Thanks a ton!


IMPORTANT UPDATE: I have a new account that is synced up with my other social media - insta, YouTube, Webtoon ect. - so to find recent stories be sure to search "Paint Brush Jewel" to find my current works. I won't delete this account since it seems like you are still enjoying some of my old stories. Have a wonderful day and thank you for reading this!


SOMETHING IS ON MY MIND. As I was looking through some older writings of mine, I noticed that I had this book with some odd title that had little meaning and hardly any reads. I re-examined it just to see if maybe I could get an idea from it and it hit me - I had wanted to make this story one of the best stories I've ever written. Obviously it wont be, the style isn't my favorite, but the ideas all came back to me. My friends (@Dream2Writer and @Pearled, you should follow them, they are great) have all been working on books that revolve around deaf culture. Since taking ASL in school, I have been absolutely infatuated with this idea and I thought that I might give it a go. After looking at some other stories on wattpad that had to do with this idea, I saw that most were modern day teen reads. Nothing is wrong with that - those are the kind of books that I read all of the time! :D I just had the idea, why not do something different? I mean, dystopian novels are some of my favorite things to read, too, so why not combine the cultures? SO, my newly renamed book "Out of Earshot" is up, and I encourage you  all to read it for me so I can get some feedback. I want to expand on this old writing, but I also would like to get it out there so that I can see how it reaches an audience. Thank you all for reading this!


New Book!
          Finally I have an idea of what I would like to write. Now, I know that I'm not a star wars expert but I am a HUGE fan. And what is a fan without her own fanfiction? The first chapter of my new book, "Star Wars: Unknown Force" is now up for reading, please don't be shy to share your opinions and ideas with me. Please help me get back in the swing of things, lots of comments :D.


Hi everyone. Yes I'm back on Wattpad and I must say it has been far too long. My writing has been at a major hault due to some recent events in my life. I would love to say that I will be back on track with reading, writing and recommending stories on here, but I feel that won't be the case. My time has been rather... preoccupied with outside of wattpad stuff (I know, crazy that I have a life outside of a computer screen XD). I wish you all the best and look forward to dipping my toes back into the world of wattpad. Don't give up in your reading and writing! 
          Have  a great remainder of summer !


Hey everyone. I would like to apologize for not coming onto wattpad near often enough lately, but I have had to deal with some important things and had to put updates on hold. Since the Tadahoney series has come to a conclusion, I am debating on whether or not to make a series of short stories continuing them with Kyoko. I'd love to hear your feedback.
          However, if it isn't something that sounds very interesting, I will be putting my focus on working on other books. 
          Something else I am planning on doing, is just making a bunch of new books and putting a single chapter up with a brief description box. If one seems to be an eye catcher that's what I'll be working on.
          Just as a warning, updates most likely wont be consistent and I do want to say sorry for that.
          Keep reading! Summer isn't over yet and I know that my nights will be filled with pages. :D
          Enjoy your summer, I wish you all the best!