SOMETHING IS ON MY MIND. As I was looking through some older writings of mine, I noticed that I had this book with some odd title that had little meaning and hardly any reads. I re-examined it just to see if maybe I could get an idea from it and it hit me - I had wanted to make this story one of the best stories I've ever written. Obviously it wont be, the style isn't my favorite, but the ideas all came back to me. My friends (@Dream2Writer and @Pearled, you should follow them, they are great) have all been working on books that revolve around deaf culture. Since taking ASL in school, I have been absolutely infatuated with this idea and I thought that I might give it a go. After looking at some other stories on wattpad that had to do with this idea, I saw that most were modern day teen reads. Nothing is wrong with that - those are the kind of books that I read all of the time! :D I just had the idea, why not do something different? I mean, dystopian novels are some of my favorite things to read, too, so why not combine the cultures? SO, my newly renamed book "Out of Earshot" is up, and I encourage you all to read it for me so I can get some feedback. I want to expand on this old writing, but I also would like to get it out there so that I can see how it reaches an audience. Thank you all for reading this!