
Sorry everyone I haven't been posting more to my story like I should be. I've been busy with work non-stop. I should have more up soon. or so I am hoping to. But I have great news!!!! I'll be attending the arizona, Mesa convention Saturday januray 17th,2015 as Raven Shilo Valentine my very own Oc. hope to see some of u there. would love to here ur feed back on my story to. anyways g2g ttyl :3


Sorry everyone I haven't been posting more to my story like I should be. I've been busy with work non-stop. I should have more up soon. or so I am hoping to. But I have great news!!!! I'll be attending the arizona, Mesa convention Saturday januray 17th,2015 as Raven Shilo Valentine my very own Oc. hope to see some of u there. would love to here ur feed back on my story to. anyways g2g ttyl :3