
I’m re-writing Fraternity and I need some editors! 
          	Benefits for you:
          	- Early access to the chapters of the re-write. 
          	- Credit at the end of every chapter you help with / in the description of the book as an editor / co-author.
          	- You can leave at any time and still be credited for the chapters you worked on.
          	- It’s flexible, there’s no rush. You don’t need to edit the second I send a new chapter. 
          	What I need from you:
          	- Correct grammar / spelling 
          	- Suggest better ways of writing the same sentences if some miss the mark.
          	- Point out where the story falls flat 
          	- Suggest where more / less context or description is needed. 
          	- Comfortable reading the same chapters / story repeatedly.
          	- Comfortable reading mature / dark themes 
          	- Comfortable conversing over email. 
          	- Comfortable using comments and tracked changes in Microsoft word 
          	- Able to commit to a good few months of time. As mentioned it’s totally fine if this change down the line. 


Hi! I’m definitely interested in doing this.


Hey I really loved and enjoyed reading fraternity and this is the third time I have read. I can see the changes and the evolution of your writing style where you elaborated what happened between the events whereas it is not like that in first 2 versions but I have love all 3 versions. You are a great author. Keep going.


I am really picky when it comes to reading books, i can’t go 2 chapters of a mediocre book. But I have to admit that this is one of the best books I have ever read on wattpad. The contents in the book shows the author is really vast in relationship issues. I was really stunned with your character, the therapist. I love the way she settled their issues by asking intelligent questions and unveiling the true cause of their problems. 
          This book tops as of the best book I have ever read. I really love it.


I'm crying, Fraternity was the best book ever and it was such a roller coaster and now I'm addicted to them. Well done! I can't wait to re read it when it's edited.
          Also I was wondering if there would actually be a sequel to Fraternity because I already miss them . Also I was thinking Faternity could be a prequel, with an alpha king and a warlock white wolf hybrid, I think that would cause draaaaaama and some wars lol, since the sort of 'universe' with werewolves and witches and warlocks and whatnot is already set. This just me ranting, I'm just hoping to forget the storyline to reread it now .


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
Hey you..
          Just read the chapters you've uploaded on status quo. It's really good, and I hope you will continue to work on it. Your writing ✍️ is seriously so fucking amazing, I know I told you 100 times while reading fraternity (still in my top 3 book EVER) and I think this could be just as good. It's quite different, like everything is times 500, the time the live in, the living conditions, the class differences, the acceptance of your mate, the feelings, the hurt everything is just more and I truly believe you've got a masterpiece in the makings (just please don't hurt Matthias to much, poor guy) 
          take care.


Aw thank you! I can’t wait to get back to writing Status Quo and creating a whole series in that universe (already have 7 planned out!) I’m currently actually re-writing fraternity, which I’ll hopefully be releasing in the next couple months. Then I can get back to the other works in progress. I just want all my works to me the best they can possibly be and won’t be satisfied until they are! 