
Good afternoon to anyone who might see this post. 
          	I haven't been very active as of late, been real busy with life and work. Hope everyone is doing well and living their best life. I am working on several more short stories, all of which I am looking forward to sharing with y'all when they are finished. 
          	Have a great day :)



Good afternoon to anyone who might see this post. 
          I haven't been very active as of late, been real busy with life and work. Hope everyone is doing well and living their best life. I am working on several more short stories, all of which I am looking forward to sharing with y'all when they are finished. 
          Have a great day :)


          I scream, but no one hears me. 
          I reach out, but no one reaches back. 
          I look out, but nothing looks back. 
          I am met by an unbreakable all-encompassing blackness that grins at me wickedly. It wraps itself around me, tighter and tighter. I feel the breath leave my lungs. Afraid of all that isn’t surrounding me I am glad that death seems to be claiming me. The air is gone and I haven’t breathed in what feels like several lifetimes but still I am here. 
          I cry, but no one cries with me.
          I give up, but no one is there to give up with me. 
          My despondent and deadened soul languishes in the nihility that is life. Alone in this vast universe of nothingness I look inward and realize that if I am alone and everyone else is alone, then we are all the same and therefore no one is alone. A crazed smile spreads across my beleaguered face as I open my eyes and see people all around desperately in need of a loving and safe friend. 


@JezzyHasman you’re very welcome.  I hope to see more.  


It’s incredibly relatable.  I can tell it was written with sincere feeling.


@iamwritingstories why thank you kind soul. I appreciate the comments :) 