
Although I doubt you care about my reading lists, If you do find books from them I suggest some of the newer added ones (eg. Supernatural 4 over supernatural 1) as the quality probably is better. It has been a few years since I started reading in wattpad and I must say my taste in book quality has gotten better.
          	I was going through some of the first books I read and was cringing at the quality, not to say all the books are bad but I am picky when it comes to books.


Although I doubt you care about my reading lists, If you do find books from them I suggest some of the newer added ones (eg. Supernatural 4 over supernatural 1) as the quality probably is better. It has been a few years since I started reading in wattpad and I must say my taste in book quality has gotten better.
          I was going through some of the first books I read and was cringing at the quality, not to say all the books are bad but I am picky when it comes to books.


Hey guy some times I find myself without wifi so I add stuff to my reading list I haven't read so if it is a bad book ( eg bad grammar) I don't USALLY add it so please don think I have bad taste in books also I do often get writers block so I'm sorry for lat chapters. I'm also sorry for umpublishing one of my books I feel as if it was weird and not many liked it correct me if I'm wrong.
          Have a good day my sprinkles
          Until next time melody out




            Chicken sandwich. (I was hungry...)