
My phone keeps spazzing out so if you text me, you're just gonna have to wait another year for me to answer back x_x my phone is really messed up T-T


Ayo you can unfollow me .... dont worry i wont unfollow ^^ 


@Jhoes_big_jungcockie umm okieee jus reminding that u can unfollow me anytime ^^


@_queen_zm_ lol I'm not gonna unfollow you


I have this friend named Lena she barely talks to me anymore ever since she dated my enemy. I've liked lena for 2 years but she will never date me... She dated everyone but me. she was my first friend in 4th grade when I changed schools, and she used to talk to me a lot before but now has all these friends and decides not to talk to me.
          Sorry I'm bored


@Jhoes_big_jungcockie sjdjfjg it's alrighty fam XD


I hate being single T-T I feel so lonely.