
Yall I'm working on let me go but what in my goddamn mind was I thinking when making the outline. It's difficult to understand it and so long omfg


Can I just mention that I'm so grateful for all these comments ❤️ Like it's just the most amazing feeling seeing people like your story and its so sad my Wattpad is annoying and doesn't show me all the notifications of comments :(


I realized how badly written the prologue is from Hesitate if I get the chance I'm gonna go through the book again to better the writing but I was planning on editing hold me tight as well since I remember the last chapters were way too rushed for my liking. Maybe after that I will edit Dr. Love as well. What book do you guys want me to update after bad habit? I personally think I've been neglecting Let me go and Hunt a little too much. 121U will be written after I'm done with my tests since my Co writer is also right in her exam period.