
@shelbylw03  ur storiesz are really good..their pride is awesome..i was gloomy dat day n wen i started reading it..i was kinda happy..ur writing is good...thank u..n keep making me happy:-);-)


Invitng authors and co-authors and writers to collab on book, book will be available on Amazon and other platforms after publishing.
          For indians 75 rupees entry fees and for foreigners only 1 dollar entry fee.
          Writer's will get the following :
          2 pages for write-ups,
          1 page for pic and bio,
          Writer will get hard copy of book at discounted price,
          Instagram Feature.
          Language : English, Telugu, Hindi and Hinglish.
          Theme : Breakup
          Genre : Open 
          If you want to participate send dm in instagram to hiddenthoughtssusritha or susritha_kotha_fruity